

Educators Council Support Youth Aliyah

Help At-Risk Children in Our Youth Aliyah Villages

Our Council is currently raising funds for the “Joy of Judaism” initiative, which supports both the Mother/Daughter Shabbaton and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Preparation Programs. Join us and help bring Shalom Bayit to these families.

Select Your Gift Amount
Minimum payment $10.00.
Minimum payment $10.00.
Gift Designation
Make Donation in Memory/Honor of a Loved One (Optional)
Your Information
Billing Information
Payment Information
If you have selected Paypal as your payment method, when you press "Submit my Donation" you will be redirected to PayPal to complete your transaction.
To make a contribution towards an outstanding commitment/pledge, please call our Donor Services Helpline at 800-928-0685 instead of using this online donation form.

A card verification value, also known as a CVV or CVV2, is a security code that helps protect you from credit card fraud. Like your credit card number and expiration date, your CVV number appears directly on your card.

Where to find your CVV on a credit or debit card

For Visa®, Mastercard® and Discover® cards, you will find that the CVV is a three-digit number, typically appearing on the back of your card next to the signature box.

American Express cards have four-digit CVV numbers that may appear on the front of the card.

By clicking on Submit my Donation, your credit card will be processed and you will receive both a confirmation page and a confirmation email once your transaction is processed. If you don’t get a confirmation, please email Donor Services at donorservices@hadassah.org, or call them at 1-800-928-0685 for assistance.

Charitable deductions are allowed to the extent provided by law. Hadassah shall have full dominion, control and discretion over this gift (and shall be under no legal obligation to transfer any portion of a gift to or for the use or benefit of any other entity or organization). All decisions regarding the transfer of funds to or for the benefit of any other entity or organization shall be subject to the approval of the Board or other governing body of Hadassah. Donors are encouraged to read Hadassah's Charitable Solicitation Disclosure Statement.

By clicking SUBMIT MY DONATION your credit card will be securely processed.